The untimely drizzle wouldn’t have caught you off guard if you had one of these super-stylish sun-and-shower umbrellas by Blush. Made out of 100% cotton Chikan fabric from Lucknow and waterproofed, these work perfectly as sun umbrellas and can weather stormy showers too. Now you know better, and can order your own (Rs 850 per piece). Just so you have all your bases covered.
How to order: Call Karishma at 9820671553 or email her at
Inn Season
Scouting around, we discovered that the quaint bungalow which houses the new Seasons Furnishings outlet excited us much more than the store’s actual stock. Hitting all the current trends, the furnishings - upholstery, wall paper, bed linen - displayed was pleasant enough, but nothing to write home about. A little more digging however, unearthed this very stylish monsoon umbrella holder, available by order at the store and eerily fitting for currently overcast skies.
Getting there: Jasmine Villa, I, Pali Naka, Bandra (W), call 26000070.
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