Once upon a time in a leafy city suburb, three story tellers, also known as Dastangos, came with bags full of tales – dramatic epics, happy capers, and farfetched yarns. They learned that although the rest of the city was too busy to indulge their lost and ancient art of Urdu storytelling, Bandra and its creative subjects would always make room for a good tale. And so it was decided. At the upcoming Celebrate Bandra fest, Mahmood Farooqui, assisted by his two Shahs of Blah, would perform stories old and new, jugglers and tricksters helping their narratives come alive.
Dastangoi, the art of relating and simultaneously composing long stories, has existed in India for centuries. And over the last four years, Mahmood and his crew have taken this speech-and-spectacle act to a host of Indian cities, Pakistan and the US. Catch them in action on November 15 from 7 pm to 9 pm.
Also, check out their blog at http://dastangoi.blogspot.com.
Getting there: Pioneer Hall, St John Baptist Road, Bandra (W).
Trading Tales
You too can take a page out of the Dastan book and become a story teller. If you have novels that have crossed their shelf life, donate them for a cause. All you have to do is give in your old books before the 14th of this month (find your drop-off centre here) and visit Café Goa on the 17th, where they will be sold, the proceeds of which go to one of Celebrate Bandra’s causes. Remember to bring along your favourite music, which you can play for the crowd. Starts on November 17 at 8 pm and climaxes the next day at 12 am.
Getting there: Café Goa, Khadeshwari Mandir Marg, Off St John Baptist Road, Bandra (W).
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